CORNUCOPIA - a multi-element wall installation
A goat's horn
overflowing with fruit,
flowers, and grain,
signifying prosperity. .
Cornucopia is also
called the horn of plenty.
In Greek mythology . . .
it was the horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit.
In folklore . . .
it became full of whatever its owner desired.
For me, CORNUCOPIA is an on-going work that changes as new elements are added to it - or sometimes when things are removed.
Most of the elements have been stashed in drawers or on shelves in my studio for years, and most have been considered for use in various sculptures at different times, but were always rejected because they were too potent. They were simply too powerful an image, too distracting from the other main elements which were being used in the sculptures - so back to the drawer or the shelf to gather more dust.
Eventually, I decided to make use of those very qualities that had made them unworkable before. They became individual focal points for a larger work, a cornucopia full of small but potent objects of desire.

mixed media installation, elements and dimensions variable with each installation
individual slate slabs are 12" x 12"
the installation above is mounted so the space between the upper and the lower row is set at eye-level,
with the group of elements overall measuring 26" high x 96" wide
each slate element has an object mounted upon it, each object made of a different material - some objects are as
presented just they were found while some objects were specially crafted for the piece
the single-row installation below was nine feet wide, with seven objects set at eye-level
The current collection of Cornucopia elements numbers fourteen, with six more in process.
These are the newest additions:
Clockwise from right:
handforged shears,
sea-turtle bone,
stoneware hand,
partial wooden shoe last,
bronze hatpin findings.